Microprocessor: 2K ROM with A-D Converter. Operating temperature*: -20 to +50 º C (-4 º to 122º F). Relay time: Approx. 3 seconds, Alarm Relay: 100mA, 24Vdc with internal 10 ohm
current limiting resistor, Multi-mode Trouble Output (Open collector). Self-Test Interval: 11 - 16 hrs. Detector (only) dimensions: 11.4 x 6.4 x 5.7cm (HxWxD) (4.5”H x 2.5”W x 2.25”D), Dimensions on mounting bracket(lg), overall: 12.7 x 8.6x 14.6cm (HxWxD) (5H x 3.4W 5.75”D). Shipping weight: .567 kg (1.25lb.) en